DeepFeat - Deep Learning zur Kombination heterogener Daten

Entwicklung einer Software, die mithilfe eines digitalen Zwillings unterschiedliche Maschine Learning Modelle trainiert und dadurch unternehmerische Entscheidungen optimiert.


DeepFeat - A Solution for Multimodal Embeddings in an Uncertain World In today's rapidly changing world, organizations are facing an increasing number of high stakes decisions. To make these decisions, organizations need access to accurate and actionable insights. One solution that is gaining traction is the use of multimodal embeddings. But what sets DeepFeat apart from other solutions in this space? DeepFeat is a deep learning-based approach to multimodal embedding that utilizes neural networks to learn representations of data from multiple modalities. This includes text, market data, financial data, and human intuition. This approach allows for a more robust and nuanced understanding of the data, leading to more accurate and actionable insights. DeepFeat also utilizes transfer learning, allowing for the model to be fine-tuned on specific tasks and domains. This increases the accuracy and utility of the model, making it more applicable to real-world situations. With the ability to fine-tune on specific tasks and domains, organizations can use DeepFeat to gain insights that are more relevant to their specific needs. In addition, DeepFeat's deep learning-based approach allows it to scale to large amounts of data, making it suitable for use in organizations of all sizes. This scalability makes it a valuable tool for organizations looking to make data-driven decisions. In conclusion, DeepFeat's deep learning-based approach and transfer learning capabilities make it a powerful solution for augmenting high stakes decisions in today's uncertain world. Its ability to provide accurate and actionable insights from multiple modalities, fine-tune on specific tasks and domains, and scale to large amounts of data make it a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes.

Der Anwendungsbereich der DeepFeat Technologie bei vencortex fokussiert sich darauf, komplexe Unternehmensentscheidungen unter Unsicherheit zu unterstützen. Zielkunden sind vor allem größere KMUs und Konzerne. DeepFeat dient hierbei dazu, eine Art digitalen Zwilling des Unternehmens basierend auf heterogenen Daten zu erzeugen und somit auf dieser Simulationen laufen zu lassen und unterschiedliche Machine Learning Modelle zu trainieren. Die Vision dahinter ist, das relevante Umfeld in einem Vektorraum darzustellen. Damit würde das Entscheidungsproblem eine Optimierung analog zu Videospielen / Simulationen werden.

vencortex® DeOS - the Decision Optimization System is the world's first software that optimizes the entire decision-making process, from data to actions. Combine the power of human intuition with advanced AI technology to make better high-stakes decisions faster, and outperform your industry.

Stimmen zum Projekt

Any business process is reinvented with technology – can you imagine Sales without CRM or Operations without ERP – Yet decision-making, the most impactful process of all, remains in its old-fashioned way. That's why we build DeOS a new category of software to optimize decisions by combining human intuition and AI.

Dr. Dominik Dellermann CEO und Gründer vencortex

Gefördert durch

  • Hessisches Ministerium für Digitalisierung und Innovation
  • digitales.hessen DISTR@L
Digitale Technologie
Cloud ComputingKünstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)
Wirtschaft 4.0
Eingesetzte digitale Verfahren, Technik, Software und Methoden
Neural NetworkMachine-LearningDeep Learning
Landkreis, kreisfreie Stadt
Distr@l - Digitale Produktinnovationen (FL 2A)
281.376,00 €
15. Sep. 2020 - 31. Dez. 2022



Universitätsplatz 12
34127 Kassel

zur Website


Dr. Dominik Dellermann


Universitätsplatz, 12
34127 Kassel